Saturday, May 9, 2009, at 10-21, XM24, via Fioravanti 24, Bologna
Sunday, May 10, 2009, at 10-21, HUB57, Via Serra 2, Bologna
The event is curated by Salvatore Panu
its realization is made possible thanks to the participation and hospitality to all guests
In collaboration with area social self-XM24, Ass Cult. Level 57 (HUB57), Time Bank Momo
University of Salento, Université Paris 8 Info
340-8964948 http://georgeslapassade.blogspot.com/
Free Popular University Georges Lapassade
Patrick Boumard (University of Brest) and the University Lapassade trance
Lucette Colin (University Paris 8) Lapassade incomplete man
Giorgio De Martino (Master II Université Paris 8), for a re-conceptualization of the idea of \u200b\u200btrance and bioenergy
Christiane Gilon and Patrice City (University Paris 8)
The two axioms of socioanalytic Lapassade "analysis is a struggle" and "we must keep the device"
Charlotte Hess (Dancer and philosopher, Paris) Lapassade perform
Remi Hess (University of Paris 8) Lapassade sociologist Michel
Lobrot (University Paris 8) Note on the life of George Lapassade
Giusi Lumar (Dottoranda University Paris 8) microsociology schools and action research
Salvatore Panu (Ph.D. University of Paris 8) The Sardinian myth: action research diary and a history of mestizo
Gilberto Camilla (Psychoanalyst, President and Scientific Director of the SISSC Elsewhere, Torino) The gruff fragile
Anna Lisa Cantelmi (Herbalist-Artist, Sulmona) Transiat
Luis Carretta (The Airs of the time, Genova) Transit / everyday life and creativity
Renato Curcio (Researcher, Sensitive to the leaves, Dogliani) The Sociology of Georges profane
Ornella D'Agostino and Alessandro Melis (Cagliari-SMI Association of Caravan)
The body of place identity. Traces of the artistic shared with George Lapassade
Roberto De Angelis (Università La Sapienza) Lapassade in ethnographic field and obstacle
Gianni De Martino (Journalist and writer, Milan) Georges Morocco
Piero Fumarola (Sociologist, University of Salento) Experience in Salento
Leonardo Montecchi (psychiatrist and psychotherapist, Rimini) Trance and dissociation: the transit as a vital resource.
Anna Nacci (Tarantula Rubra, Roma) and neo-Tarantismo tarantismo
Pierfrancesco Pacoda (Music critic and essayist) The invention of Tarantamuffin
Andrea Pascali (Sociologist and semiotician, Turin) The concept of congruence in socioanalisi
Nicoletta Poidimani (free search , Milan) One of my most important bad teachers
Nicola Valentino (Sensitive to the leaves, Rome) The dream institutional analysis
Zappatore William (Ph.D. University of Salento) Georges and mysticism
Fabio Albano (music therapist and psychologist, Bologna) and Bio-energy potential Dimitrios human
Argiropoulos (Pedagogy, University of Bologna) Slums: go to the fields "nomads"
Giovanna Artale (music therapy, Bologna) Dialogues
Naomi Berman (Bologna) The tree of chocolate
Franco Berardi "Bifo" (author of "How is the nazi") is the body Lapassade tarantolato of Guattari
Pino De March (poetic activity, Bologna) The Poetics of Lapassade: transidentità
Roberto Panzacchi (Trainer, Bologna) Self-management teaching: everyone has something important to say and listen
Rosario Picciolo (Livello57, Bologna) and Georges Wind
Sandra De Giuli (Director-documentary, Bologna)
Lila video projections, the Gnawa derdeba in Bologna, February 11, 2000, Amalia Godfrey
Images street parade prohibitionist and new interviews with Georges, edited by Massimo Lorenzani ( Lab57 Alchemical)
The Easter Monday, Our Lady of the Arch, Naples, 1994, Georges Lapassade
Gigetto Dattoli, Funambule du Paradox, Réalisateurs: Luc Blanchard et Rosemarie Bouvet
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