In its simplest definition for racism is defined as the belief that the human species is subdivided into biologically distinct races characterized by different physical features and different intellectual capacities, and the resulting idea that you can determine a hierarchy of values \u200b\u200bthat a particular breed can be defined as "above" or "inferior" to another. More analytically one can distinguish different meanings of the term historically represents a set of theories with fundamentals also very old (but denied by modern science) that have arisen in every age and with practices of oppression and racial segregation, arguing that the human species would be a set races, biologically different, unequal and hierarchical. Among the guiding ideology of the contemporary aspects of this theory, there was the aristocratic Frenchman Joseph Arthur de Gobineau, author of an Essai des races humaines Inequality [1] (An Essay on the inequality of human races, from 1853 to 1855). In the nineteenth century what was then called racism in the next century was scientific, to the point of coming by historians today call scientific racism. By 1850 racism comes from the scientific and takes on a political connotation, making the excuse with which he seeks to justify the legality of bullying and violence. One of the finest examples of this use was the colloquial sense nazionalsocialismo.in defines each active attitude of intolerance (which may result in threats, discrimination, violence) to identifiable groups of people through their culture, religion, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, physical appearance or other characteristics. In this sense, however, would more accurate, although they are rarely used in everyday language, terms such as xenophobia or better etnocentrismoin broadest sense includes any passive attitude of intolerance, prejudice, discrimination, intended to require an attitude of special consideration by groups of people identified through their culture, religion, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, physical appearance or other characteristics.

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