Bologna, 9-10 May 2009
Lapassade Georges, Professeur Emeritus at the University Paris 8, died this summer, July 30, 2008, in Paris. He was born May 10, 1924 to Arbus, a small village in the Pyrenees in southern France and among his last wishes expressed to get back there, but this was not possible because of poor health that forced him for years dialysis and who recently saw him go out without force. Loved singing and wanted to hear sing "le temps des cerises", the song that rang in 1871 in the barricades of the Paris Commune. He loved to see young people play and dance to trance. He loved the Gnawa of Morocco, the "pinched" Salento, the tenor singing and dancing round in Sardinia. He loved everyone who has encouraged and helped to study and learn risk, leading player in the conflicts arising from an acute social critic learning. Hosted at his home in Paris, students who needed to stay there for college. He traveled much in his life, went into people's homes and was host, was employed in universities, for example in Italy during the Pantera in 1990 or 1968, when he lived throughout the Sorbonne in occupied France in May.
One day he told me that he wanted his house, opposite the University Paris 8, where I was staying, after his death became a place to host foreign students that they needed them to do research and interculturalism.
sociologist, educator, philosopher, ethnographer ... has never been possible to frame it in any discipline because he practiced a rigorous cross-cutting approach. Always put your finger on the social ills faithful always here and now, the ICO et maintenant. He leaves behind a legacy of enormous practical reflection, stimulating and above all the desire to continue living the incompleteness of man.
May 10 was the birthday of Georges Lapassade. The idea that I started and where I had a great response, as you can see from the list of guests who took part, is finding the time and the pleasure of meet with a group of people who can share experiences intense Lapassade lived with Georges. In addition to numerous publications, his travels and his work played in Italy throughout his life are his main legacy, and draw a diverse community, spread from South to North Italy, which can meet, discover and develop deep affinities. This banquet, organized with the help of others "Bolognese", expresses a strong desire to reflect together on practice and on the thought of Georges Lapassade.
were present at the banquet Remi Hess, Lucette Colin, Christiane Gilon, Patrice Ville (professors of the Université Paris 8), Charlotte Hess (Danseuse et philosophe, Paris), Giuseppe Lumare (PhD Université Paris 8), Salvatore Panu (Ph.D. University of Paris 8), Anna Lisa Cantelmi (Herbalist, Artist, Sulmona), Luis Carretta (The Airs of the time, Genova), Renato Curcio and Nicola Valentino (Researchers, Sensitive to the leaves, Dogliani and Rome), Ornella D'Agostino and Alessandro Melis (SMI Association of Caravan - Cagliari), Gianni De Martino (Journalist and writer, Milano), Piero Fumarola (Sociologist, University of Salento) , Leonardo Montecchi (psychiatrist and psychotherapist, Rimini), Pierfrancesco Pacoda (Music critic and essayist), Nicoletta Poidimani (free research, Milan), Guglielmo Zappatore (Ph.D. University of Salento), Fabio Albano (music therapist and psychologist, Bologna), Dimitrios Argiropoulos (Pedagogy, University of Bologna), Giovanna Artale (music therapy, Bologna), Naomi Berman (educational researchers and practitioners, Bologna), Pino De March (poetic activity , Bologna), Roberto Panzacchi (Trainer, Bologna), Rosario Picciolo (Livello57, Bologna), Sandra De Giuli (Director-documentary, Bologna) and many others who, although not in the list of planned operations, have contributed to the dynamics of Instituting this group that has been triggered.
The two days have seen the presence of guests and therefore not a public classically understood in the academic convention. Participants each brought their own action relating to its own experience with Georges Lapassade. In two intense days we could fathom, in a friendly, thanks to the hands of the guests, the work is complex and transdisciplinary Georges Lapassade. I believe that its practices and its critical thinking are very useful today to understand the changes and possibilities of contemporary life.
It was not then a commemoration, if not in the strict sense of remembering together. Rather it tried to start a research group that values \u200b\u200bthe wide cross and work, now published in several languages \u200b\u200bin the world, Georges Lapassade. The initiative
enrolled in a sort of itinerant semirario which began in Lecce 5-7 May, has made stops in Bologna on 9-10 May and will continue in Paris on 23 to 26 June 2009 and more generally in a range of initiatives dedicated to Georges Lapassade which took place in Italy and abroad where you are now working on the idea of \u200b\u200bfounding the "People's Free University Lapassade Georges."
For more information and membership please visit the site dedicated to http://georgeslapassade.blogspot.com Lapassade Georges (1924-2008) in Italy. The intention is first to bring out the fact that the network was known to stimulate the exchange of information, trade and possibili iniziative comuni. Salvatore Panu
Lapassade Georges, Professeur Emeritus at the University Paris 8, died this summer, July 30, 2008, in Paris. He was born May 10, 1924 to Arbus, a small village in the Pyrenees in southern France and among his last wishes expressed to get back there, but this was not possible because of poor health that forced him for years dialysis and who recently saw him go out without force. Loved singing and wanted to hear sing "le temps des cerises", the song that rang in 1871 in the barricades of the Paris Commune. He loved to see young people play and dance to trance. He loved the Gnawa of Morocco, the "pinched" Salento, the tenor singing and dancing round in Sardinia. He loved everyone who has encouraged and helped to study and learn risk, leading player in the conflicts arising from an acute social critic learning. Hosted at his home in Paris, students who needed to stay there for college. He traveled much in his life, went into people's homes and was host, was employed in universities, for example in Italy during the Pantera in 1990 or 1968, when he lived throughout the Sorbonne in occupied France in May.
One day he told me that he wanted his house, opposite the University Paris 8, where I was staying, after his death became a place to host foreign students that they needed them to do research and interculturalism.
sociologist, educator, philosopher, ethnographer ... has never been possible to frame it in any discipline because he practiced a rigorous cross-cutting approach. Always put your finger on the social ills faithful always here and now, the ICO et maintenant. He leaves behind a legacy of enormous practical reflection, stimulating and above all the desire to continue living the incompleteness of man.
May 10 was the birthday of Georges Lapassade. The idea that I started and where I had a great response, as you can see from the list of guests who took part, is finding the time and the pleasure of meet with a group of people who can share experiences intense Lapassade lived with Georges. In addition to numerous publications, his travels and his work played in Italy throughout his life are his main legacy, and draw a diverse community, spread from South to North Italy, which can meet, discover and develop deep affinities. This banquet, organized with the help of others "Bolognese", expresses a strong desire to reflect together on practice and on the thought of Georges Lapassade.
were present at the banquet Remi Hess, Lucette Colin, Christiane Gilon, Patrice Ville (professors of the Université Paris 8), Charlotte Hess (Danseuse et philosophe, Paris), Giuseppe Lumare (PhD Université Paris 8), Salvatore Panu (Ph.D. University of Paris 8), Anna Lisa Cantelmi (Herbalist, Artist, Sulmona), Luis Carretta (The Airs of the time, Genova), Renato Curcio and Nicola Valentino (Researchers, Sensitive to the leaves, Dogliani and Rome), Ornella D'Agostino and Alessandro Melis (SMI Association of Caravan - Cagliari), Gianni De Martino (Journalist and writer, Milano), Piero Fumarola (Sociologist, University of Salento) , Leonardo Montecchi (psychiatrist and psychotherapist, Rimini), Pierfrancesco Pacoda (Music critic and essayist), Nicoletta Poidimani (free research, Milan), Guglielmo Zappatore (Ph.D. University of Salento), Fabio Albano (music therapist and psychologist, Bologna), Dimitrios Argiropoulos (Pedagogy, University of Bologna), Giovanna Artale (music therapy, Bologna), Naomi Berman (educational researchers and practitioners, Bologna), Pino De March (poetic activity , Bologna), Roberto Panzacchi (Trainer, Bologna), Rosario Picciolo (Livello57, Bologna), Sandra De Giuli (Director-documentary, Bologna) and many others who, although not in the list of planned operations, have contributed to the dynamics of Instituting this group that has been triggered.
The two days have seen the presence of guests and therefore not a public classically understood in the academic convention. Participants each brought their own action relating to its own experience with Georges Lapassade. In two intense days we could fathom, in a friendly, thanks to the hands of the guests, the work is complex and transdisciplinary Georges Lapassade. I believe that its practices and its critical thinking are very useful today to understand the changes and possibilities of contemporary life.
It was not then a commemoration, if not in the strict sense of remembering together. Rather it tried to start a research group that values \u200b\u200bthe wide cross and work, now published in several languages \u200b\u200bin the world, Georges Lapassade. The initiative
enrolled in a sort of itinerant semirario which began in Lecce 5-7 May, has made stops in Bologna on 9-10 May and will continue in Paris on 23 to 26 June 2009 and more generally in a range of initiatives dedicated to Georges Lapassade which took place in Italy and abroad where you are now working on the idea of \u200b\u200bfounding the "People's Free University Lapassade Georges."
For more information and membership please visit the site dedicated to http://georgeslapassade.blogspot.com Lapassade Georges (1924-2008) in Italy. The intention is first to bring out the fact that the network was known to stimulate the exchange of information, trade and possibili iniziative comuni. Salvatore Panu
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