Sunday, December 7, 2008

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College Coopératif de Paris
15 rue Ambroise Thomas
75009 Paris
Tel : 01 49 49 07 07
Métro : Poissonnière

Interventions prévues
Conférences personnalités
Communications Membres SEEE
Jacques-André BIZET, Josette GUEGUEN, Fernando SABIRON, Jesus Maria SOUSA et Carlos FINO
Présences annoncées
Reski ASSOUS (Assistant de Georges Lapassade), Michel AUGEREAU (NDI), Thierry BONFANTI (NDI, SEEE), Renato CURCIO (Editeur italien de Georges Lapassade), Sami (DASSA, CNRS), Mehdi FARZAD (Directeur du Collège Cooperative), Nicole Habrias (NDI), Geneviève Jacquinot (INFOCOM Professor, Paris 8), Jean-Claude Joseph (farmer Leonard), Pierre Laderrière (OECD), Marie-Agnes MAHIEU (Professor IUFM), Salvatore PANU (Rete Ivan Illich, Bologna), Patrick Prado (CNRS), Claude Senouf (Essaouira), Constantine XYPAS (Catholic University of the West)

BAG Rubén Alfredo Berbegal Patrick Boumard, Rose-Marie BOUVET, Vito D'Armento, Carlos Fino, Bernard Jabin, Catherine MODAVE Fernando SABIRON, Jesus Maria Sousa

Texts available
Vito D'Armento: Veglia funebre per Lapassade
Patrick Georges Boumard: Pro-evocative
Carlos N. FINO & Jesus Maria Sousa: The educational innovation from the inside
Lobrot Michel Georges Lapassade
Salvatore PANU: Fragments of a master
Jean-Louis Peninou: Lapassade at the Sorbonne (1965-1967) René
SCHERER: Lapassade a philosopher Claude
Senouf: To George Lapassade

French Association of hypnosis, Rene Barbier (Paris 8), Christine ESCALLIER (ESA Madeira), Luc Jamet (ESA), Louis MARMOZ (President AFIRSE) Jean-Louis Peninou (former President of the UNEF), Louis Quéré (EHESS), MC SOLAR (rapper) Claude VIROT (Psychiatrist, Specialist in hypnosis), Christoph Wulf (ESA Berlin)

hard to present a program about George Lapassade was viscerally allergic to any idea of \u200b\u200bprogramming!
We therefore propose only a minimal structure, to install the authorization to speak on institutional changes. This structuring is questionable and in many ways arbitrary. Anyway, in tribute to George, we do not keep count!
Patrick Boumard
President of the European Society of Ethnography of Education

9 am 10 am 30 Welcome
Georges LAPASSADE constructor "(Moderator Guy Berger)
Members of his family:" Uncle Jojo "
Youth: Samy DASSA Patrick PRADO, Jacques-Andre BIZET (with text by Jean-Louis Peninou)
LAPASSADE philosopher Edgar Morin, René SCHERER
12 hours Excerpts of the film by Luc and Rose-Marie BLANCHARD BOUVET on Georges LAPASSADE
12 h 30 Break (lunch) 14 h
Georges LAPASSADE de-constructor "(Moderator Fernando Sabirόn )
Fury said: Georges Lapassade, rap, MC Solar (The singer was not available Dec. 13, the interview for the movie Luke BLANCHARD and Rose-Marie BOUVET will be presented to the resumption of the debate)
crazy Creator: Michel Lobrot Claude Senouf, Vito D'Armento
Henri Georges DesRoches and LAPASSADE: two types of Action Research: Scientific Advisory Board of Cooperative College Paris
outsized Sociologist Michel Burnier, Mehdi Farzad
Love features: Jacques Ardoino Patrick Boumard
Man: Gabriel Matzneff
16 h 30 final self (Moderator Jesus Maria Sousa)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

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Thursday, November 20, 2008

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From shaman to raver , dedicated to Georges Lapassade meeting in Bologna, XM24, November 21, 2008

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

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Rc car / Pizzetti: No a new anti-fraud database

Rome, October 22 (AP) - It 's necessary to improve the prosecution of fraud in car insurance, but, at least in a first stage, it is necessary to establish a new anti-fraud database: more than improve what already exists at the Isvap. And 'what you said, the Privacy, Francesco Pizzetty, during a hearing in the House Finance Committee.

"We have reiterated our awareness that improving the prosecution of the insurance industry exists - Pizzetti said on the sidelines of the hearing - but we said that our belief is that at least in a first stage is not appropriate to multiply databases, not establish new structures and work instead on the enormous sull'Isvap and anti-fraud database that already Isvap, the task of law, holds.

Before reaching this conclusion, Pizzetti said, "we hear it ' Isvap, Ania and consumer groups: reflection, which we have here is a reflection of an Authority who has done a comparison. "

In order to implement the project, he added," we have established a collaborative activity with Isvap and we are waiting for a working hypothesis that they are preparing. Will evaluate the knowledge you need to defend one side the right of citizens to protect their data and other combat disturbing phenomenon of fraud in the insurance sector which also has potential implications of the phenomena of crime potential. And finally there is the dominant problem in our country to protect large databases. Our concern - said Pizzetti - not only protect the individual right of citizens, but to protect the society from the phenomenon we see every day: the theft of data in large private and public databases can be used for more different offenses , blackmail, condizionammenti, delegittimanzione of people. "

According Pizzetti, you must then" consider how to improve regulation Isvap in relation to access to the database: who can access, for what purpose. And to ensure an adequate audit trail of access and the ability to know the circumstances and the reasons for which the access occurs to prevent data theft and misuse them. "

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Cairo, for four years without insurance: car seized

M. Cairo to personal whim did not want to renew the insurance of his car, so four years traveling quietly on his Fiat Punto without cutting. To evade controls the security forces moved only at night or along isolated roads. Until yesterday evening, however, when it was stopped by police in the company of Cairo. a 53 year old protagonist of Cairo Montenotte, initials AG, without any kind of economic problem.

Under the current rules the military has been responsible for only half of the seizure.

Monday, November 3, 2008

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Rc Cars, prices down for women

It 's the first time since prices were liberalized in the sector: rates Rc Cars were down, principally for the benefit of women. Are the innovations that emerge from the 2008 edition of "Little Red Book of Insurance" attached to the edition of November "Quattroruote. The "discount" pink up to 20%.

The average decrease was 4%, but if we limit the analysis to the best rates available in each provincial capital, the descent is even more pronounced and salt to 8, 8%, with reductions of particular importance for women's , for which there are between 15 and 20%.

Like every year, "Little Red Book of insurance", examines the tariff offer tariff profiles for the six most common in all the 107 Italian provincial capitals.

Considering the 642 lowest cost for the 107 Italian provincial capitals, continues "Quattroruote," 19 does not exceed 200 € and are almost all in the North (only one, in Viterbo, and center). On the other side are the rates higher than 34 thousand euro. Only three relate to the northern cities (Bologna, Rimini and La Spezia), 15 and 16 than those of the Centre South

always limited to the best available rate for each profile, concludes "Quattroruote," the most significant decrease is the profile enjoyed by 35 year old diesel car that provides a displacement of 1.3 Olbia-Tempio (-35.2%). The greatest increase, however, is the one that struck the profile of a man 24 years with a car diesel engine capacity to 1.9 of Reggio Calabria (+22.7%).

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ROME - No more customers 'standard' hours spent at the computer to compare the proposals made by the various insurance companies. Soon just a click to choose the RC-measure car insurance cheaper for their car. By the end of the year will arrive on the site of the Ministry of Economic Development, but also on the authority of the sector insurance, "Budgeting". The name is not too fanciful, but to reduce the high cost of insurance will certainly be a useful tool. With a computer program simply fill out a card to get, sorted by price quotes Rc-cars of all insurance companies tailored to your needs.

to announce the imminent arrival of this instrument was the Secretary for Economic Development, Ugo Martinat, answering a parliamentary question in the House. The tender for the execution of the program was already done and "the entry into operation of the system is planned by 2008 and will be joined in the fight to dear bill, the mechanism of direct compensation that has already yielded its first results. The only Budgeting is another tool that adds the requirement of transparency for businesses, in force since 2003, to provide customized offers to consumers on Web sites, corporate and individual stores.

The project - said the undersecretary - envisages the creation of a web portal and the development of a software that can allow the user, links to the websites of the ministry and insurance industry, to include data relating to their profile and to obtain estimates of firms in the branch Rc car, ordered by cost-effectiveness. "The consumer with a single Internet access - Martinat claimed - will be in a position to know and compare different offers in the market in relation to its risk profile in pursuit of greater user mobility and function of encouraging the competitive dynamics of the market. "ISVAP, who has signed this convention with the Ministry Economic Development, opened a European race which was won last January to the Engineering, Engineering: "With the signing of the contract is officially started the project for the port.

The entry into operation of the system is expected by 2008. "Martinat explained in the question the benefits that are derived from the introduction of direct compensation. According to analysis carried out Isvap, said the secretary, "the first year of operation was characterized by: 1) improvement in time to clear the previous year, and 2) stabilization of the average costs paid for damage to the vehicle." This means that data relating to the costs for claims management Rc cars of the 2007 budget "does not show a marginal reduction in the cost of claims that might mean in the medium term and should result in a reduction of premiums Rc cars." With the aim to integrate and correct the rules adopted in recent years, aiming to achieve more competition and lower prices of insurance policies, was finally recently launched a working group with the association and the institutions concerned.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

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Transe and dissociation in Turin in memory of Georges Lapassade

Società Italiana per lo Studio degli Stati DI coscienza
in collaborazione Editions with
Club 21


meetings, seminars and workshops in memory of Georges Lapassade

Friday, October 31 - Saturday, November 1, 2008
hours 15-19

Corso Brescia, 14 (corner Via Aosta)

The topics are organized in three areas of discussion: Trance and Dissociation, and Identity Transe Transe; transit as a vital resource.

Starring Vincent Ampolo (Psychologist, Sert Casarano, LE); Gilberto Camilla (President of SISSC), Renato Curcio (Researcher, President Coop. Sensitive to Leaves), Gianni De Giuli (Researcher, Bologna), Piero Fumarola (Sociologist, University of Lecce), Fulvio Gosso (Psychologist, Vice President of SISSC) Maurizio Nocera (Historian and Researcher, Lecce), Paul Sollecito (Social Worker, Gruppo Abele Torino).

During the day is also a rich area of \u200b\u200bbooks and magazines, in particular the production of the editorial SISSC and sensitivity to the leaves.


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Jeudi 13 November 2008 Hommage de l'Université Paris 8 Lapassade Au professeur Georges (1924-2008) Société Européenne

Organisé par les irrAIductibles, avec le concours de la Bibliothèque, du service de l'audio-visuel UFR8, du service de reprographie, communication du service et du Laboratoire Experie
10 round tables at the Dome and an exhibition at the Library:
9 am: George Lapassade, the trial reform of the university
Binczak with Pascal, Francine Demichel, Renaud Fabre Sokologowski Irene, Jean-Louis Le Grand.
10 am: George Lapassade, a psychologist at the City
Ardoino with Jacques, Jacqueline Barus-Michel, Helen Bezille, Eugene Enriquez, Florence Giust-Desprairies, Max Pagès, Jacques and Maria Van Bockstaele
11 am: George Lapassade, and ethnographer
anthropologist with Ruben Bag, Patrick Boumard Alain Coulon, Pascal Dibie, Daniel Lindenberg, Augustine Mutual, Eliana Ramirez.
12 h; Lapassade Georges, an activist FHAR
with Gabriel Matzneff, Rene Scherer
13 pm: Guided tour of the exhibition at the Library Lapassade
with François Ferolit
14 pm: George Lapassade, institutionalist and socioanalysts
with Christiane Gillon, Kareen Iliad, Salvatore Panu Elizabeth and Thomas von Salis, Patrice City
15 pm: George Lapassade, the great pedagogue with
Benyounès, Guy Berger, Gilles Brougère Michel Debeauvais, Sandrine Deulceux, Lobrot Michel, Jacques Pain, Gerald Schlemminger.
16 h: Lapassade George and the man with unfinished
Leonor Bazinek, Lucette Colin, Jean-Yves Rochex, Rene Scherer, Saida Zoghlami.
17 pm: George Lapassade, reader, writer, diarist, the publisher with Rene Barbier
Christine Delory-Momberger, Remi Hess.
18 pm: George Lapassade, the performer: the Living Theater to rap, to the Gnawa
Boudinet with Gilles, Charlotte Hess, Jacky Lafortune, Christian Lemelin, Valentin Schaepelynck
19 pm: Dance in honor of G. Lapassade musician ballroom tango with the group of Paris 8.

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d'Ethnographie de l'Education Organise une journée de réflexion et de débats the samedi 13 décembre 2008 à Paris

* * Patrick Boumard

the film

35580 St. Senoux

patrick.boumard @

President of the European Society of Ethnology Education

Professor (Anthropology of Education) at the University of Western Brittany

Brest, 1 ^ st October 2008

Dear George LAPASSADE,

The European Society of Ethnography of the Education is organizing a day
reflection and debate, with many individuals who have experienced
, shared his adventures with him or worked with this agitator polemicised
ideas, Saturday, December 13 at the Cooperative College


15 rue Ambroise Thomas 75009 PARIS

We would be honored by your presence at this homage
the European Society of Ethnography of Education will make its founder and honorary president

P. Boumard

Friday, September 19, 2008

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Insurance, reporting back to companies not authorized. There are consumer groups, as in this case Altroconsumo (, to warn of the danger: in Italy there are assurances "unfair", ie companies which have not been authorized or empowered to operate. The companies must obtain a permit for carrying on insurance in Italian territory, if they are not in possession of this authorization, the issuing insurance policies are invalid. As a result, the contractor is serious. Insurance coverage does not exist.

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ADVICE DELL'ISPAV \u200b\u200b

Here are other tips insurance industry, to be followed rhyme signing the contract:
• check in sheet (available on the website) which is the law governing the contract, ie the law that every court, whether or not to be Italian and foreign, will apply in case of dispute. If the law is not Italian, you may have more difficulty coping with any litigation. ISVAP has jurisdiction to consider claims of the insured only if the applicable law is Italian;
• keep in mind that there is the possibility to check the privacy policy, that in the event of a dispute with a foreign company, the jurisdiction is conferred to a foreign court. In this case, to reckon with the inconveniences associated with the conduct of proceedings abroad;
• Check carefully what is the starting point of insurance coverage;
• keep in mind that for the RCA, in addition to the contract must be issued by the company, the original The flag and certificate of insurance within five days of premium payment. Pending receipt of such documents to avoid fines, should be applied to the vehicle a receipt for payment of the premium which the insurer is obliged to issue a timely manner.

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Beware of scams to avoid falling into the trap

To avoid falling into the trap, you can: • consult
the list of authorized companies listed firms register on the website of the Institute of Insurance Supervisory Authority (, or call the Service Members Protection (06.4213.3000). If you enter into a policy with one of these companies is so sure that it is empowered to do so. •
look to the list of companies that have already been seized illegal timber and then stay away (to check the list here).
But not enough. Everyone knows that the certification does not affect the insurance business across the board, but it is limited to the various sectors. A company may be allowed to issue policies on the disease, on injuries, but no auto insurance. Particular attention should be made to cases of homonymy. Specimen was the case with the Global Assistance Srl, a company was not authorized or entitled to the insurance business in Italy. The trick was to nell'assonanza SpA
Global Assistance with regard to TPL, the safest route is to choose a company incorporated in the insurance industry site (click here). The companies reported, in addition to being licensed, provide custom quotes for free. The Institute points out that these quotes are binding for companies that provide them for at least 60 days.