In recent months we have seen it all. The President of an important region blackmailed by a group of policemen for his visits with some transsexuals to rivers and cocaine. The premier accused of judicial corruption that he has relationships with several prostitutes. The head of civil protection under investigation for corruption and that, at best, did not realize that you ate around him flat out on major projects and humanitarian emergencies, including earthquakes. (At least) a senator of the Republic overt representative of the interests of organized crime. The main opposition party, devoid of ideals and programs that do not have more cards than those of the gossip and the judiciary. The President of the Levant region mired in his coalition with a notice of the judiciary (for clock cases) to discredit him before the primary election. The "Sheriff of Values" which has many skeletons in the closet and who turns out to have been infiltrated the secret services diverted. Two telephone empires involved in the investigation on money laundering and a colossal fraud of false invoices. Fiat to buy in America and terminating in Italy.
not enough. In Rome, the voters of the PDL do not even know if they can vote for their party, while the voters of the Democratic Party find themselves arm in arm with the right-wing terrorists. If we add these delights of scams and robberies that are transforming the reading of newspapers, an assault course, we can say that the policy has unwittingly put in place one of the most massive turnout campaigns in history.
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