Exclusive to the world, and perhaps even the universe, "The Without newspaper reveals that Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi is not mafia, not a member of a Masonic lodge, has not broken or evaded taxes, but said it would remove Santoro on television and talked on the phone with none other than, that's incredible , the director of Tg1.
For this reason, in my opinion should be sentenced to maximum terms of imprisonment. fact "punishment never end."

In a democratic country, it can happen that people, whether they are also Silvio Berlusconi or his associates, are intercepted by this or that judge, and ridiculed for private communication, the press. Even if those communications are made to the director of national news.
In a democratic country, it can happen that a magistrate of the province of Barletta-Andria-Trani (with all due respect) can intercept someone for months in the hope that sooner or later commits a crime.
idea to his colleagues of "the daily" and hopeful for the magistrates to appear on TV are starting to catch people aged 15-16 years, so then, after college, some will commit the offense as well. Maybe a few rising stars who will be friends in a rally approached Bertolaso, or D'Alema and Napolitano, or maybe that's it.
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