premise is not 'a chain of Sant' Antonio, or the like. That said the question is what makes this blog the answer is' simple charity or you are asked.
How it works?
It 's very easy ... Open up a PayPal account After that come on this blog and publish your request for help of one euro. If you do not know the workings of pay pal, I anticipate that you will find that once you open an account, to make or receive a gift you just need your registration email.
Why donate?
Why 'donate? But to be in solidarity with others. It 's not said that to ask for charity' or do you have to be begging for e-force poor as we understand them. You know that the new poor are many and are growing in size esponenziale.Anche we are.! I thank all the people I donarenno a € and I promise them that you will not regret.
Anyone wishing to make a donation via Pay pal, my address and ' Hello from sonopovero
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