ROME - No more customers 'standard' hours spent at the computer to compare the proposals made by the various insurance companies. Soon just a click to choose the RC-measure car insurance cheaper for their car. By the end of the year will arrive on the site of the Ministry of Economic Development, but also on the authority of the sector insurance, "Budgeting". The name is not too fanciful, but to reduce the high cost of insurance will certainly be a useful tool. With a computer program simply fill out a card to get, sorted by price quotes Rc-cars of all insurance companies tailored to your needs.
to announce the imminent arrival of this instrument was the Secretary for Economic Development, Ugo Martinat, answering a parliamentary question in the House. The tender for the execution of the program was already done and "the entry into operation of the system is planned by 2008 and will be joined in the fight to dear bill, the mechanism of direct compensation that has already yielded its first results. The only Budgeting is another tool that adds the requirement of transparency for businesses, in force since 2003, to provide customized offers to consumers on Web sites, corporate and individual stores.
The project - said the undersecretary - envisages the creation of a web portal and the development of a software that can allow the user, links to the websites of the ministry and insurance industry, to include data relating to their profile and to obtain estimates of firms in the branch Rc car, ordered by cost-effectiveness. "The consumer with a single Internet access - Martinat claimed - will be in a position to know and compare different offers in the market in relation to its risk profile in pursuit of greater user mobility and function of encouraging the competitive dynamics of the market. "ISVAP, who has signed this convention with the Ministry Economic Development, opened a European race which was won last January to the Engineering, Engineering: "With the signing of the contract is officially started the project for the port.
The entry into operation of the system is expected by 2008. "Martinat explained in the question the benefits that are derived from the introduction of direct compensation. According to analysis carried out Isvap, said the secretary, "the first year of operation was characterized by: 1) improvement in time to clear the previous year, and 2) stabilization of the average costs paid for damage to the vehicle." This means that data relating to the costs for claims management Rc cars of the 2007 budget "does not show a marginal reduction in the cost of claims that might mean in the medium term and should result in a reduction of premiums Rc cars." With the aim to integrate and correct the rules adopted in recent years, aiming to achieve more competition and lower prices of insurance policies, was finally recently launched a working group with the association and the institutions concerned.
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