Rc car / Pizzetti: No a new anti-fraud database
Rome, October 22 (AP) - It 's necessary to improve the prosecution of fraud in car insurance, but, at least in a first stage, it is necessary to establish a new anti-fraud database: more than improve what already exists at the Isvap. And 'what you said, the Privacy, Francesco Pizzetty, during a hearing in the House Finance Committee.
"We have reiterated our awareness that improving the prosecution of the insurance industry exists - Pizzetti said on the sidelines of the hearing - but we said that our belief is that at least in a first stage is not appropriate to multiply databases, not establish new structures and work instead on the enormous sull'Isvap and anti-fraud database that already Isvap, the task of law, holds.
Before reaching this conclusion, Pizzetti said, "we hear it ' Isvap, Ania and consumer groups: reflection, which we have here is a reflection of an Authority who has done a comparison. "
In order to implement the project, he added," we have established a collaborative activity with Isvap and we are waiting for a working hypothesis that they are preparing. Will evaluate the knowledge you need to defend one side the right of citizens to protect their data and other combat disturbing phenomenon of fraud in the insurance sector which also has potential implications of the phenomena of crime potential. And finally there is the dominant problem in our country to protect large databases. Our concern - said Pizzetti - not only protect the individual right of citizens, but to protect the society from the phenomenon we see every day: the theft of data in large private and public databases can be used for more different offenses , blackmail, condizionammenti, delegittimanzione of people. "
According Pizzetti, you must then" consider how to improve regulation Isvap in relation to access to the database: who can access, for what purpose. And to ensure an adequate audit trail of access and the ability to know the circumstances and the reasons for which the access occurs to prevent data theft and misuse them. "