The words of the Italian Constitution
L 'Italy is a republic and, therefore, like all the republics has a law that all Italians must be respected. Our first law is called the Constitution and is, in practice, the set of initial rules of our country. The Constitution is made up of many articles that contain words with meanings very important. The first article, it says: \u0026lt;\u0026lt;L 'Italy is a Republic Democratic , based on work >>. Honestly, I did not say so even I understood nothing. What Republic? Why democracy? And what does work? Reflecting on the meaning of words, and remembering the Greek and Roman history, I remembered that the word "democracy" means "people's government", and the republic is a type of government where the people choose their leader. Therefore, it is easy to explain: "Democratic Republic" means that all the people governs, through an elected leader (or, rather, through representatives that form the Parliament). Ok, the first half of the sentence is now clear. And work, you say, what of it? The work is the basis of the Constitution without a job because none of us would be able to live well. In other articles are cited more words and phrases other very important
· ; Equality , meaning that all people living in Italy have the same rights and same duties, without distinction.
· law school, that is all children have a right to learn (I always say that it's nice to learn!).
· religious freedom and freedom of press and information , that everyone can believe what they want and read the papers and publish what they want (again no offense).
· rejects war , that Italy must undertake not to enter into armed conflict.
These are just some of the phrases in the Constitution.
Of course, right now, to hear phrases like "divorce guer-ra" and "founded on work" seems a bit 'strange given that many people are unemployed and many of our soldiers are engaged in these missions "of peace." Also hear the word "equality" and meet to see scenes where people are being taken around just for the color of their skin is a very sad thing. One of the few articles that seem to have been complied with is the "right school" a shame that many young people believe that school is just a must!
Rebecca Zaja 1 I
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