Sunday, May 9, 2010

My Does My Stomach Stick Out

The double gay and trance

di Luigi di Cristo (fotoreporter, entronauta)

Essaouira Marocco agosto 1996

The double

homosexual and trance

In Arab countries transvestites (those mulhannat in classical Arabic), hide their activities and their passions. There is no chance to perform dressed as women, as is the case in Western countries. Are severely marginalized and have no way to overcome this fate. In fact, the imaginary Arab-Muslim can not accept anything ed'indefinito intermediary between the "masculine and feminine: a complementary duality seen as the architecture itself the Divine Order. As written by the anthropologist and psychoanalyst Algerian Malek Chebel in a study entitled "The culture of the harem . The androgynous, the effeminate, the eunuch, the hermaphrodite, the Bardach, the child available to the largest and most other constitutions fall - according to the hegemonic view of orthodox Islam - a sort of gigantic risk of idolatry in which Allah not find a place. Hence the particular suspicion aroused by these creatures of the 'reverse' the divine creation. That also explains the peculiar infatuation with the myth of the androgyne in a number of North African writers and especially those that trade has pushed the limits of writing in a language that is not theirs, "French" .

This summer, during the investigation with the Gnawa Lapassade George and Gianni de Martino, in Morocco we met a guy who had the desire to dress like a woman, but that it was only at home. One day he dreamed of an African deities, rituals celebrated during the gnawa as Lalla Malika. In the dream, this "entity" suggested to him to become his priest. The young man went to consult a traditional therapist, who plays this dream and urges him to obey Lalla Malika. He then calls to his home and organize a group of Gnawa ritual called Lila.

The musicians of the trance, the sons of former slaves, blacks and slaves, "call" their ancestral deities especially women of their brotherhood, enter into trance and doubles, becoming a religious theater-like-the deity invoked. During the ritual, when it is called Lalla Malika, our boy he goes into a trance. He begins to dance, dressed in the colors and women's clothing Lalla Malika, and in this state begins to speak as a medium: challenges that women have occurred, which consult with their own problems and jealousy.

By Lalla Malika, the young man has become, today, a famous medium, and all the women of the country resort to him to ask for advice. At the time of consultation, and Lalla Malika turns to speak through him. In short, no longer marginalized. This fact

is not exceptional. The young contemporary Maghreb has, in an Arab-Islamic, the benefit of a religious system of African ritual possession.

It 's a system that is very similar to that of the Hellenistic period, where the ritual trance possession was placed under the sign of Dionysus, the god to many, the god of transformation represented in The Bacchae of Euripides with a very masculine (the bull) and a female part (the guy with the pine branch and pine cone, dressed and perfumed, Pentheus seen on the streets of the city).

Until recently, presumably wings until the fifties, there was something similar to us in Italy, with the Apulian tarantolato explored in those years by Ernesto De Martino, who spoke in the opera La land of remorse. Also in the tarantula, the tarantati danced in a trance state in which they produced the split: the tarantata became the spider.

The split personality seems to be a typical characteristic of some types of homosexuality in Puritan society. The marginalization and the strategic need to hide their activities and their passions, such as to exclaim Rimaud ago: "Je est un autre" (I is another), and the young Torles, the character "end of the century" Musil after the jump with her boyfriend Biasini nude in the barn, "not me! Are not I! Tomorrow I become myself. " Often it takes many years for a homosexual to be reconciled after the "leap into the unknown," with himself.

In the last century, psychologists have observed in the subjects split personality. The identity of the second had its own autonomy and often even a different name. We already knew that this was the psychological basis of possession. This type of possession seemed to have disappeared in the West but now there is a return, especially in America.

In Italy, to care about this phenomenology is a strong current of psychiatry Roman. In his study of multiple personalities, Dr. Joseph Muti has traced also numerous examples of figurative art: yourself for example under the symbol "g Rossetti in which two lovers find themselves in penonbra of a forest, in a portrait by Lorenzo Lotto, which is an angel and a devil who embrace beneath the surface of the earth. Or the artists of American Pop Art in which you play multiple notes of the same subject, as in some paintings by Andy Warrol or the "Double Venus in the sky at night" by Jim Dine. The theme of

Tabal, a painter of Essaouira, which began its career among the Gnawa, the splitting is evident in many works. This summer George Lapassade and Gianni De Martino, we have photographed for some other places, where see split personalities of a trance: as for example, the portrait delluomo the double hat shaped fish, which, when turned upside down, shows a woman veiled dall'hail traditional.

Tabal When we talked of his painting, he told us that the real author of his paintings is his melk, that the "guiding hand". It is expressed in the same way that a medium dedicated to western automatic writing. He considers himself happily as a "possessed" the same way as that guy we talked about in disguise, when dance and gives advice to women, "ridden" by Lalla Malika, un'ancestrale queen or "spirit" of Africa all now recognized as its own melk of choice.


Malek Chebel, 1988 The culture of the harem-Leonardo, Milan

Lapassade GEORGES, 1994, interview on tarantism Editions Madonna-East, lecce

Lapassade GEORGES, 1995, Tabal, the peintre d'Essaouira Gnawa, Gallerie d'Art Frederic Damgaard,



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