Every time I saw the advertisement of the Direct Line I was wondering if it was also aimed at gay or not. Now I learn from Courier that yes, the insurance company makes a 20% discount to all couples, whether they are gay or straight, married or cohabiting. By 8 July, when an estimate is requested, if you declare your emotional state, you are entitled to a discount of 20%, regardless of gender.
Barbara Panzeri, marketing director of Direct Line, said:
"Beyond any injury, the couple married or unmarried has a statistically lower risk profile compared to singles, whether heterosexual or homosexual. The rebate offers extras that Direct Line has a double meaning: on one side to the Italian drivers to communicate that it should drive carefully not only to health but also your wallet, the other to send a message to all those who still discriminate against gay couples, rather anachronistic gesture on the threshold of 2010. "
beautiful view of the initiative, could also go a little 'more with advertising by showing a homosexual couple - male or female to be. But while the proposal is interesting.
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