(AGI) - Rome, 2 July - In 2008 the total amount of the premiums of the auto industry amounted to 17.6 billion euro, 3.3 % less than the previous year (-1.0% in 2007). It is learned from the annual report of ANIA.
For the second consecutive year, and then, there was a decrease in absolute volume of the awards, it had never happened in the years following liberalization in 1994.
Based on an investigation initiated by the Association, with a methodology consistent with the requirements of businesses by ISVAP, the number of insured vehicles increased slightly compared 2007 (+0.3%). Therefore, the average price of coverage has decreased by 3.6% due to strong competition between companies.
Over the past four years the average price of motor liability insurance was reduced by 8, 3%. In particular, the reduction was equal to -1.5% in 2005 to -0.8% in 2006 to -2.7% in 2007 and -3.6% in 2008.