Georges Lapassade
Besa Editrice
Lapassade Georges, in his latest work, poses a new problem that concerns the phenomenology of scripture and tell the story, since an account that is the epistemological reification of objects, another is the representation of himself, stripped in front of your eyes you do not know the extent to which malicious or disenchanted. It is through this that Lapassade tells us about the past, but he says to himself, to understand something of what it was, how it was, what happened to him. To become aware of self and others. A sort of self-analysis writers who try to assemble the fragments mnemonic of a lifetime, a kind of analytical recovery that his twenty-five years of the analysis is not granted.
Lapassade Georges (1924-2008), philosopher and sociologist, routes of research has concerned psychoanalysis and biology (he worked with Georges Canguilhem). He participated in the drafting of the magazine "Topics" directed by Edgar Morin and Kostas Axelos. He was the founding father of ethnomethodology in France. It is the first social scientist to have worked on rap.
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